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Dot Kich 3d Crack In Paper: How to Create a Stunning 3D Effect with Paper and Ink


The Feature Paper can be either an original research article, a substantial novel research study that often involvesseveral techniques or approaches, or a comprehensive review paper with concise and precise updates on the latestprogress in the field that systematically reviews the most exciting advances in scientific literature. This type ofpaper provides an outlook on future directions of research or possible applications.

Dot Kich 3d Crack In Paper

Numerical methods for solving differential equations have already been extensively investigated in recent years. The further development of these methods represents an important point to increase their efficiency. Several method can be used for the spatial discretization of the domain. Among them, the finite element method (FEM) is one of the most used one. While FEM is restricted to the usage of regular shaped elements, the recently developed virtual element method (VEM) represents one further step towards a generalization of the finite element method, see [1, 2]. The virtual element method (VEM) allows the usage of meshes with highly irregular shaped elements, including non-convex shapes, as outlined in [2]. The large number of positive properties of VEM increases the variety of possible applications in engineering and science. Recent works on virtual elements have been employed to linear elastic deformations in [2, 3], contact problems in [4, 5], elasto-plastic deformations in [6,7,8], anisotropic materials in [9,10,11], curvilinear virtual elements for 2D solid mechanics applications in [12], hyperelastic materials at finite deformations in [13, 14], crack-propagation for 2D elastic solids at small strains in [15], phase-field modeling of brittle and ductile fracture in [16, 17].

Typically the construction of a virtual element is divided into a projection step and a stabilization step. Within the projection step, a quantity \(\varphi _h\) is replaced by its projection \(\varphi _\Pi \) onto a polynomial space. Using this projected quantity in the weak formulation or energy functional yields a rank-deficient structure which needs to be stabilized. In the second step, the stabilization term, which is a function of the difference \(\varphi _h - \varphi _\Pi \) between the original variable and the projected quantity needs to be evaluated. Various possibilities exist to evaluate this stabilization term. To this end, Da Veiga et al. [27] proposed a stabilization term, where integrations take place at the element boundaries. Wriggers et al. presented in [14] a novel stabilization technique, based on a triangulated sub-mesh, which uses the same nodes as the original mesh. This formulation however needed an integration within the volume of the virtual element. The stabilization parameters for the latter stabilization were based on an approach first described for finite elements in Nadler and Rubin [28], generalized in Boerner et al. [29] and simplified in Krysl [30] for the stabilization of a reduced order mean-strain hexahedron. The stabilzation method described in [14] is used in this paper as well. 2ff7e9595c


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